Applying Body Awareness For Trauma Healing and Personal Transformation on an Individual and Global Scale
The Focalizing Institute is a healing, research and educational non-profit organization based in New York City with initiatives that extend globally. The Institute is devoted to educating individuals and training facilitators in the healing technologies of Focalizing and Dynamic Linking.
Developed from over 30 years of research and experience in the fields of psychotherapy and holistic healing, these technologies transform lives by bringing resolution to the internal barriers that stand in the way of living our purpose and experiencing our fullest potential.
In addition to the intention to heal, Focalizing is a potent tool for focusing the mind, fostering creativity, promoting self discovery, enlivening relationships and transforming our approach to our businesses and careers. Learn more about Focalizing.
Learn how to Focalize, facilitate for others and use body awareness to support creativity, healing and more...
The Focalizing Institute originated from a retreat held in 1985 by psychologist Michael Picucci at the Villa Veritas Foundation. Michael had worked with Villa Veritas for years when organizers approached him to speak with a group of 50 people in addictions recovery about sex and sexuality. Seldom a focus of his at the time, the workshop was overwhelmingly well received and Michael's approach to recovery and sexuality sparked a flurry of invites to run workshops all over the Northeast at centers like Kirpalu, Omega and more.
Emerging in parallel with these workshops, a group of individuals who were in attendance at the original Villa Veritas event established weekly meetings New York City. Inspired by Michael's process and their personal journeys of healing in community within AA and 12-Step programs, the group gained momentum and began attracting attendees that were not in recovery. In other words, the powerful healing process was transforming the lives of those suffering from non-substance related challenges of trauma, anxiety, depression and more.
Focalizing Is
A healing technology that enables participants to transform their lives by dissolving the barriers that prevent them from experiencing life more fully. Once resolution is experienced, Focalizing becomes a creative tool that supports participants to act in alignment with their body and deeper sense of purpose. Read more about Focalizing.
Our Leadership
Is made up of a group of professionals, therapists, teachers and healers who have seen the life changing benefits of Focalizing first hand. Our board draws strength from the range of ages and experiences of its members. Read more about our team.
The Focalizing Institute
Was founded in 1985 and is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in New York City.
Location 111 E 14th St, New York, NY 10003