Welcome to…
Focalizing For Personal and Global Transformation
The Focalizing Practitioner Community
A supportive container for practitioners to develop, connect, and advance their Focalizing practice for the purposes of providing healing transformation at both an individual and global scale.
As Focalizing practitioners, we experience that with the right resources, something potent and new can emerge each and every day. This is what this practitioner community is about. This is a communal resource for practitioners to get ongoing supervision, advice and support as they share their unique practice and work in service to the world.
We know that a single practitioner can make a direct positive impact on the lives of hundreds of people over the course of a lifetime. With the support of others behind them, a practitioner’s potential and impact grows, and the quality and richness of their offering deepens.
Practitioners not only affect their clients. They provide healing support that reverberates so much further; affecting a larger circle that includes friends, significant others, family, coworkers and future generations yet to be brought into the world. As a community we are committed to elevating each and every member because we know just how powerful the work of a single practitioner can be in the lives of so many.
This community is only open to those who have attended our Focalizing Practitioner course.
A Community Membership Designed With You and For You:
‘Stepping Stones to Mastery’ Live calls with Focalizing Teachers and guest speakers.
‘Practice Dojos’ Live mentoring calls for vibrant discussions, led by all those questions and 'what if' scenarios that arise when navigating unfamiliar and nuanced territory in your practice.
‘Community Circles’. A space to show up not as an expert, but as a human being, authentic and imperfect. By simply being real, we offer a space for others to join us and feel supported in their human-ness.
An ever expanding library of resources, made up of ongoing contributions in the form of practitioner experiences, somatic practices and tools
Member insights posted by instructors and fellow community members.
An easy to use, moderated and private platform that is away from Social Media - Mighty Networks.
You can never fall behind. The content of this community is created for you to drop in and out, as you have the capacity for.
A chance to vote for up and coming topics - a space designed by you and for you.
Our Intention Behind this Community
Our community is held in the spirit of Dynamic Linking, where each member of the community is respected equally and plays a vital part in contributing to this co-created, intentional space. In other words, members shape this community at all levels.
In practice, this community is intended to be a sanctuary for practitioners. A safe space to be visited and revisited for ongoing inspiration and growth. The strength of this container not only comes from program instructors and Focalizing leadership, but the contributions of each and every member of the group. Supporting and listening to each other is how we will grow together, and every voice in this space is essential.
In this way, together, we can continually discover and tap into the future that wants to emerge.
Reasons This Community Would Be Right For You:
The Focalizing Practitioner Course opened you up to a new way of thinking about healing and the larger journey both yourself and your clients are on.
You want to develop more confidence in your practice and deepen the way you integrate Focalizing and somatic healing practices into your work with others.
You’re aware that as a solopreneur life and work can feel isolating and so you wish to be with others and have a place to share challenges and triumphs.
You’re looking for a network of people that ‘get you’ and are willing to listen.
You wish to grow your business authentically.
You understand that self care fosters an atmosphere of community care
You wish to contribute to and receive from a communal space filled with like-hearted humans.
“When people consciously share an intention, each honoring their personal intent as well, they more effectively move into alignment with each other and create a powerful, fueling energy that supports personal and collective growth.”
A Month Inside The Community:
There are three live calls each month consisting of a Stepping Stones to Mastery, Practice Dojo and Community Circle
(These are live, recorded calls with the exception of the Community Circles which are not recorded and kept private)
Stepping Stones to Mastery with with Teaching Team, Nick Werber, Jo Miller and Guest Teachers
Stepping Stones to Mastery are intended to support your path as a Focalizing Practitioner. They are powerful, digestible topics with contributions from Focalizing Teachers as well as guest speakers. These are tailor made for the community to add depth and breadth to you as a practitioner as supporting you in building an authentic and sustainable business.
Upcoming calls will be announced with descriptions at least a month in advance, so keep checking back to see the topics and speakers that will be featured in these presentations.
Practice Dojo with Teaching Team, Nick Werber and Jo Miller
We know what vibrant discussions open up when they are led by all those questions and 'what if' scenarios that arise when navigating unfamiliar and nuanced territory in your practice. So the intention for these sessions are that they are led by the questions and scenarios that are brought by the community. A place not only for valuable mentoring but also where everyone can learn from each other.
Community Circle with Community Manager, Lise Leonsmann
This is a space to show up not as an expert, but as a human being, authentic and imperfect. By simply being real, we offer a space for others to join us and feel supported in their human-ness.
Allowing ourselves to be seen where we are at is a powerful and profound practice. It lets us honor our experience and reground into our intention and purpose. Circle conversations allow us to lean into a supportive, non judgmental community that understands what it means to be a space holder and human in the world today.
A Moderated and Easy to Navigate Conversation Space
Held on Mighty Networks, a place away from social media feeds, this is a place where you can get to know one another, share experiences, steps on your journey, integrate learnings, share what inspires you, and join community events. Everything that we love to do and be when we’re together, being human.
The comfort of knowing that information is there for you, available to access, whenever you like.
An easeful part of the membership will be the growing library of resources we will be building out and adding to with time. You will have a range of support, often voted for by you, that you can access at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I miss the live calls?
The Stepping Stones to Mastery and The Practice Dojo sessions are recorded and will be accessible via the Mighty Networks platform. You can’t get behind - everything is there for you to access in your own time.
How much does the membership cost?
$55 per month
I have been invited as a Founding Member - what does that mean?
As a reward for being the first people to join this community we are offering a lifetime subscription of $55 per month.
As a founding member of this community you will be playing a really important role in shaping this community and we want to thank you for that.
The invitation to join as a founding member of this community remains open until 23rd May. You can leave at any time but the founding membership will shift to a standard membership if you rejoin.
How is it billed?
After your introductory period, you will be billed $55 each month until you cancel. You can sign up using a credit or debit card. All payments are processed using Mighty Networks payment partner, Stripe.
How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel your membership at any time. Your membership subscription will continue until the end of the current billing cycle.
Where does my membership money go?
Platform fees like Mighty Networks, Zoom etc
Guest speakers, Stepping Stones to Mastery calls will include guests, sometimes their time will be donated, sometimes they will be paid
Your membership money pays for our community manager and their ongoing contributions
10% of the profit goes to the Focalizing Institute in order to help sponsor training program scholarships
Remainder goes to the teaching staff
Leaning into Support is an Essential Part of Being a Practitioner
We tend to work through our businesses and through our challenges and celebrations alone – and whilst we are resilient beings, ourselves and our communities grow when we lean into support.
Put bluntly, it can be hard and lonely without it.
We know through years of many years in private practice that investing in support and mentoring is as essential as brushing your teeth. Having teachers that have walked the path before you can help prevent burnout and blind spots. Add to this magic of learning from peers and the support becomes almost immeasurable.
We are excited to launch this community inspired by the feedback and contributions of your fellow practitioners. As this has come to fruition, we feel more and more deeply connected to an inner knowing that this community is our contribution to the future that wants to emerge.
It is no longer the time to be the lone wolf.
The future is community.
We hope you join us.
Nick and Jo
“Belief creates experience and experience shapes belief. When ones bonds with others who consciously share heartfelt beliefs, one participates in the powerful magic of creation.”