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To me, focalizing is very hard to explain. In fact, the more I think about it, the harder it is to define. Yet I see real results in my day-to-day life, and sometimes even get a glimpse of the infinite potential within my grasp.
—Glen Dooley, New York City NY

After the sudden death of a loved one, bereaved and confused I was introduced to Focalizing. To my amazement, learning to Focalize has given me a skill and tool that can be used on a daily basis. I accessed the process quickly and it mysteriously worked through me. I now have management over my own thoughts and actions and I have moved forward with new ease.
—Rosemarie Dreier, Isles of Palms SC

After some horrific years, I found Focalizing. After learning the process, and practicing it for a while, I am now noticing that I feel good about my life and future possibilities. And when I have bad days, I have all of the tools to be able to release that. I now experience life as something flowing through me, rather than a cause for my pain. Now, I realize this is what it is to feel free. I am free from that feeling of crushing anxiety, needing to be prepared for the worst thing to happen. It is the most enormous weight off my shoulders that I’d ever imagined possible. What a relief!
—Deborah Walsh, Montréal, Canada

My life feels lighter and easier since Focalizing. I feel more and I also act more spontaneously, without doing self-destructive things to tamp down sadness or fear. I find this new mode of healing pretty easy to engage when I need it. The process is simple, even ordinary. The simplicity of the path belies its power to transform my experience of the world and my place in it.
—Dr. George Russell, Chiropractor, Bodyworker and Counselor

I came to Focalizing due to a severe depression, which I believed was going to drive me to suicide. My mind was filled with ruthless self-hatred and resentments, despite professional success, wealth and physical health. I felt alone and unworthy. The escape that I had found in alcohol was not working anymore, and instead was turning things worse.
My Focalizing partner asked to hold a “shared intention” with him in our first session that our process would lead to the healing of my internal conflicts. This intention materialized and the process took me out of my depression and led to a meaningful improvement of my life. It put me in touch with different “resources” (internal and external) that I used tools to change my state of mind and to dissolve internal knots and fears. This somatic technology helped me open a door into internal “journeys” that have made me aware of an inner intelligence that supports me.
Today my life has changed beyond what I thought was possible: I found the courage to leave my previous job and start up my own business. I am moving into my dream home, and today I cherish every moment of my life—even the challenging ones.
—Michael Rubin, Miami FL

The first time I did a focalizing group I thought, this might be a waste of my time, but the next day something inexplicable happened. I was taking the same train—from the same station—that I ride every day. It was as if I was embodying some new kind of heightened awareness in the midst of the mundane. I felt alive in a different way, with an expanding consciousness I hadn't even recognized yet. I felt more connected, to everything, to life itself. My work with the group continued, and when it was over I stood up to leave and my steps were so bouncy and happy, I almost didn't recognize myself. I felt so good in my body; it was as if I'd been given a brand new one.
—Pete Simon, Sante Fe NM

I live in Alaska and was crippled for a month with a PTSD attack. In the summer of 2007, I made an 8-week trip to New York to do the Focalizing with Dr. Michael Picucci that I had read about. The process powerfully, yet gently guided me out of deep, immobilizing trauma. After 7 weekly sessions I returned home with a renewed sense of inner freedom in my life. Months later I did distance Focalizing by phone when there was some kind of other discord in my being. That too worked amazingly well, bringing me back to a place of strength, balance and clarity. Whenever a session was complete a stuck energy was released and new possibilities were revealed. What a gift to discover this new human technology!
—Shabd Sangeet Khalsa, Alaska

The atmosphere at a focalizing workshop is one of openness, sharing and discovery. The tone was immediately set by one of the focalizers candidly sharing his personal journey of growth and discovery and by inviting us to release our sense of limitation in order to discover what is possible and how to manifest it. The most important discovery is the profound awareness that an individual's thoughts and actions impact us—and the Universe—in a major way. Through our individual sharing, we realized how more alike we are than different, that the sense of separation is an illusion.
—Sheila R. Salama, MD, New York City NY

My recent work with focalizing leaves me with a growing sense of optimism that difficulties experienced both physically and mentally can be resolved. Many years of personal suffering brought me to search out different approaches, paths, and healing practices. My searching ended when I began to experience the subtle changes brought about through the focalizing method. I brought to it many deeply held and disabling issues around sexuality, intimacy and compulsive habits. Through my sessions I feel heard and understood. I have finally started to shed the shame, guilt, and fears that I felt imprisoned by for years. I still have a bit to go but feel a renewed enthusiasm and sense that I have the resources to stand on my own two feet.
—Jamie Suten, Ireland
Our Course Video Also Contains Student Testimonials
To the left is a brief summary of our Winter 2017 Focalizing Certification Course. This provided training to students both nationally and internationally to learn how to facilitate Focalizing for themselves and others. Student testimonials can be found toward the end of the video.